Due to our courses being delivered fully online in nine-week special sessions, registration is done through SDSU Global Campus. Contact the Regulatory Science program at 619-594-6030 or regsci@sdsu.edu to obtain a link to register.
The deadline to register is the Monday one week before the course start date. Students may be allowed to register through the end of the first week of the course with departmental approval, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis dependent upon on space availability in the desired course(s).
Students can enroll in courses before being admitted to the University. Up to 11 units can be transferred in to the Masters Program and 3 units can be transferred into the Certificate Program. Students must have completed a Bachelor’s degree before enrolling in courses they wish to transfer into the Certificate or Masters Program.
For additional information about Regulatory Science programs, please contact Ana Righellis at righellis@sdsu.edu or 619-594-6030.